Tana River County says facilitating investment driving up collections

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    Counties have faced challenges in revenue collection with most devolved units collecting an average of 20 percent. Tana River County government says it issued business permits to 2,410 investors last year, representing a 30 percent increase when compared to 2023. This helped the county to collect 90.2 million shillings in own revenue collection, which represents a 93.32 per cent increase from the previous financial year. The agriculture sector has seen majority schemes established. He says Tana River County government purchased and installed two rice dehuller machines for two cooperative societies. The devolved unit has also set up two milk cooling plants in Garsen and Bangale which have boosted processed milk production from 600 litres to 1,000 per day. The European Union funded project Go Blue Project has seen the fishing sub sector contribution to the economy grow. Under the project, small scale fisherfolk have been equipped with modern fishing equipment ranging from boat and refrigeration plants to reduce post-harvest losses.

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