Sebastian Groth’s fear of missing out

    Given enough time, a person can get used to almost anything. Personality will grow around adversity the way tree roots will grow around a rock, shaping itself in response to the immovable. That is how I imagine Ambassador Sebastian Groth’s Kairos moment when he turned 50 and had sort of a midlife crisis and realised maybe this is it. The runway is getting shorter. Winter is here. He thought about the possibilities: he could have been a famous jazz player. A philanthropist. Both? But he emerged from the curtain and onto the stage as Ambassador of Germany to Kenya—no mean feat. In his navy-blue suit, he marries simplicity with authority: he is smart, silken but impersonal—the stateman’s stateman—for this is the rhapsody to power. But Mr Groth is anything but. Beyond that veneer of impenetrable stoicism, is a man trying to live a relaxed life, moving to the rhythm of his moment—this moment—like a sonnet that flickers in the background of the ambassador’s residence in Nairobi's High Ridge, like a candle about to set fire to a curtain. Visit our website for more #businesdaily #businessnews