Justice for the Fallen: A Call to Action in Baringo North

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    Three people have been killed by bandits along the Tot Kolowa Road on the Border of Baringo and Elgeyo Marakwet. The victims, two women and a man were attacked by suspected as they were returning home from Kolowa market in Baringo County according to Kerio Valley Sub-County Police Commander Zablon Otieno. The commander added that the bandits made away with livestock, and security officers were in pursuit. The attack comes just a week after one person was killed in Loruk Baringo county. Connect with KBC Online; Subscribe to our channel: https://t.ly/86BKN Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.om/KBCChannel1 Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kbcchannel1TV Check our website: https://www.kbc.co.ke/

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    killed suspect