The precious commodity : 762 households in Waldai,Kericho benefit from last mile water connectivity

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    A total of 762 households in Waldai Ward in Kericho County have benefited from the last-mile water connectivity implemented by Kericho Water and Sanitation Company KEWASCO. Speaking at Kaptoboiti after commissioning the project, Kericho Governor Erick Mutai said the 13 km project covers Teldet- Cheronget, Kaptoboiti-Cheptenye, Sosiot- Taplotin and it will be extended to Kalyongwet towards Kiptere. Mutai, who commissioned 150,000 litres water tank pointed out that the registration fee for water connection was reduced from 5,000 shillings to 2,500 shillings to make it affordable. At the same time, the County government will assist those who are unable to meet the cost. According to Patrick Mula, a representative of the Water Sector Trust Fund, the last-mile connectivity is meant for less-income households, adding that the quality of work done is best in the country. The initiative was funded by the Water Sector Trust Fund with the support of KFW of Germany.

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