Why are Kenyan students setting their schools on fire? BBC Africa

  • | BBC Africa
    Arson attacks are not a new issue in Kenyan boarding schools but, 2021 saw a spike in the number of fires, which students blamed on an intensified curriculum following time lost to the Covid lockdown. The second half of the year saw an average of three fires a week. The BBC's Ashley Lime spoke to students whose schools have been set on fire, as well as those whose family members were killed in the arson attacks. Filmed by Gloria Achieng and Yadeta Berhanu Edited by Carolyne Kiambo #kenyanews Subscribe: http://bit.ly/subscribetoafrica Website: https://www.bbc.com/africa Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bbcnewsafrica/ Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/bbcafrica/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bbcafrica/
    arson fire killed